Experiencing heaven right here on earth. Seeing His kingdom come right before our eyes. Feeling the Heart of God inside our limited and weak bodies and walking in His power when we feel the weakest! That is what I feel we have just experienced here at Inhaminga, just a few moments ago.
We have a new Conference Centre filled with women from all over the Central part of Mozambique; women that came from different backgrounds, but mostly from bush areas and carrying a huge baggage of suffering and pain. What they have been through, our minds can hardly grasp. Just last night we talked with about seven of them that have been sexually abused. As they told their stories, my heart was broken and I wanted to run out and cry. But how could I? They were the ones hurt, and here they were standing with boldness telling us how they had been so badly hurt, and with their own words forgiving those who had wronged them and receiving freedom and forgiveness themselves!
This morning we received a Word during our team prayer time that we should focus in the things from heaven, that joy is greater than sorrow and blessing greater than the curse, therefore we shouldn’t take the long way around trying to deal with our sorrow and dealing with the curse, but we should receive God’s joy and His blessing, because sorrow and curse were nailed to the cross and joy and blessing would overpower everything else.
We walked into the hall as the women were already worshiping and, as we worshipped and led the women in worship, we could almost physically feel and see heaven coming down, God’s presence being manifested in our midst. It’s something impossible to describe in words, but as I lifted up my face and saw 200 women kneeling before God, some speaking in tongues, some worshiping in dialect, some with their faces on the ground, some with arms lifted up high and glowing faces turned toward God I was overwhelmed with gratitude to God for the privileged and the honor of being here in such a time as this.
How can such a transformation happen in such little time? Since the first day the women arrived, they have been going from one place in God to another. In the first morning worship many were already filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time. Many manifested demons, more in the beginning and as the days passed and they are being set free and walking in their freedom, less and less are manifesting.
Fear has no place in our midst when heaven comes to earth! Joy, healing, fullness, strength; that’s what we feel!